Ultimate Comic Book Character
Have You Created the Ultimate Comic Book Character? Prove it and Win a 3D Printed Figure of Your Creation.




Custom Action Figures




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About This Contest:

In the spirit of comic book conventions worldwide, Action Figure Labs want to know if you have created your own comic book character. We want to know more about your character’s background and what makes your character unique. Whether it’s your character's super powers, special talents, secret identities, or mutant skills, we would love to see the details. We are passionate about comic books and excited about making them come to life!

Create a video highlighting why your character is special - whether it’s your own original creation or your own spin on a particular popular comic book icon (Superman=Super Joe).

The winner is determined by the number of votes, ending on the last day of the contest.


1st place: 9 inch figure = $350 value.

2nd place: 7 inch figure = $200 value.

3rd place: 5 inch figure = $150 value.

Total Prizes:

Custom Action Figures
Rules and Requirements:

· Preferred video should be from range from 30 seconds to 4 minutes.

·Showcase your character's powers and/or an origin story (i.e. how did they gain these powers). Make sure your video has an actual human in costume in the video!

· No exact duplicates of copyrighted characters are permissible in the contest (e.g. do not say you are Superman).

·Winner is determined by the most votes for their video.

While not required, we would like you to add your Qukku contest page link to your YouTube video description so that we can verify that you are the content owner as well as to promote your video. FYI - the main contest link is


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